System: tetrabromomethane

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1) tetrabromomethane
SynonymR 10B4
Synonymcarbon tetrabromide
Synonymfrigen 10B4
Registry No.558-13-4

Available physical property data:

PropertyPhaseNo. of tablesNo. of linesData
acentric factor Omega-11View
boiling temperature-22View
critical compressibility factor-22View
critical density-11View
critical pressure-22View
critical temperature-22View
critical volume-11View
enthalpy function (-H(298))gas162View
enthalpy of formationgas667View
enthalpy of fusion-66View
enthalpy of phase transition-44View
enthalpy of phase transitionsolid11View
enthalpy of sublimation-34View
enthalpy of vaporization-11View
entropy of fusion-11View
entropy of phase transition-11View
equilibrium constant of formationgas162View
free energy function (-E(298))gas162View
free energy of formationgas162View
free enthalpy function (-H(0))gas449View
free enthalpy of formationgas22View
fusion pressure-44View
fusion temperature-1313View
heat capacityliquid11View
heat capacity (cp)gas8114View
heat capacity (cp)solid11View
heat capacity (cp)liquid111View
melting point-77View
normal boiling point-22View
pressure of sublimation-235View
sound velocityliquid11View
sublimation temperature-539View
temperature of phase transition-33View
thermal conductivityliquid212View
UNIQUAC area parameter-11View
UNIQUAC volume parameter-11View
vapor pressure-1130View
viscosity, dynamicliquid218View